CCC Student in a Chemistry Lab
彗星橱柜 Grab n Go Photograph
Programs at 威尼斯安卓版 include academic and student support programs.  Your gift will help programs acquire valuable equipment and supplies, as well as provide basic needs for students when emergencies strike.  To learn more about the programs at CCC, please view the CCC Programs list below. 

If you would like to  learn more about scholarship giving at CCC, please visit the  donors page for 基金会奖学金.  



 Programs at 威尼斯安卓版

名字 项目描述
成人教育/普通教育文凭课程 成人教育 programs serve learners seeking to attain their high school equivalency, GED and/or take English-language (ESL) classes.
校友 校友计划旨在吸引CCC校友,并为社区参与和支持创造机会.    
American Sign Language Program 美国手语(ASL)项目建立基本的口译技能,支持为听障社区服务的职业.
艺术与科学 人文学科, 社会科学, and science programs provide students opportunities to investigate and interact with the world.
巴士通行证计划 公交卡计划通过为学生提供可靠的交通工具来改善受教育的机会.
职业生涯 & 技术教育(CTE) 一系列的职业和技术课程让学生有机会提高他们的技能,以满足行业和其他行业的需求,这样他们就可以带着相关的培训和信心进入劳动力市场.
CCC越野 The CCC越野 program is the first athletic program at CCC.  Student-athletes take course work, and compete for the College in the NJCAA.


The 彗星橱柜 is CCC’s food pantry. The 彗星橱柜 is a resource for food and hygiene needs. The 彗星橱柜 has two locations, one at the Lone Tree Campus and the other at the Fourth Street Campus. We host grab-n-go events for a touchless service for those in need of food or hygiene products. Our grab-n-go events are advertised through CCC student portal, social media, and CCC publications. We welcome donations from all CCC Family and 朋友.
彗星成功基金 学生 experience emergencies that can create barriers to their success.  To alleviate that stress and shrink barriers, the 彗星成功基金 provides emergency funds and resources to students when they need it most.
通用读程序 通过共同的阅读主题,加强整个学院的参与和知识分子社区.
Computer 信息 Science 计算机信息科学课程和项目为学生在计算机科学行业的入门级工作做好准备,并允许在高等教育中专攻计算机科学的不同领域.
残疾的资源 残障资源促进了一个无障碍的社区,残疾学生有平等的机会充分参与教育环境的各个方面.
English as Second Language (ESL) 英语作为第二语言(ESL)课程为成人学习者提供在工作场所应用英语的技能, 在家里, 在社区中.
英语/自由研究 提供加强学生阅读和写作基础的课程,以及对探索写作天赋感兴趣的终身学习者的课程.
美术 美术课程为学生提供了视觉构图和艺术史的坚实基础,并为他们继续绘画美术教育做好准备, 绘画, 摄影, 陶瓷, 或雕塑.
火灾科学 威尼斯安卓版的消防科学课程为有兴趣从事建筑或野外消防工作的个人提供培训. 我们提供扑灭野火证书,为学生准备入门级野外土地灭火. We also offer an Intermediate, 消防科学高级证书和AAS学位,为学生入门级结构消防做好准备. Our program can also help individuals already in the fire service prepare for career advancement.
GED豁免 GED考试豁免为准备参加GED认证考试的学生提供支持.
最大需要基金 最大需求基金是不受限制的,为基金会提供灵活性,以满足CCC学生面临的直接经济挑战, 教师, 和工作人员.  Members of the college community apply directly to the 基金会 for help with the cost of books, 费用, 其他费用.  不受限制的资金也使基金会能够利用和管理更多的捐款和捐赠,这将有利于威尼斯安卓版的未来.
工业技术 & 建设 建筑行业是对体力劳动和学术成就相结合感兴趣的学生的途径.  该领域的学位侧重于提供在建筑领域整体建立实用技能的机会, 在可持续建筑方面, or environmental technologies involving wind and sun energies.
语言 CCC的外语课程使学生在学习有效的书面交流的同时,对全球文化有了更深入的了解, 说话, 和阅读.  多语言的学生可以利用他们的技能在当地甚至国际上的工作场所取得进步.
LSAMP程序 LSAMP是一个国家认可的项目,支持代表性不足的少数民族学生参与科学领域, 技术, 工程, 和数学.
音乐节目 CCC's music program offers students a chance to explore many different music styles: classical, 爵士乐, 民间, 岩石, 和流行, 举几个例子. Along the way, students discover how history and culture is bound up in and illustrated by music. 我们大部分的音乐课程都可以作为通识教育学分转到州内的大学,或者正在达到这一水平. Donations help create new music classes, purchase multimedia equipment, assist 教师 in supporting trips and working with other performing arts such as dance and theatre, 还有更多. The arts are collaborative and teach valuable life skills that are brought to the community.
护理 护理和联合健康课程的目的是为学生提供知识和技能,以进入医疗保健行业的各个专业领域就业. 想要转学到大学的学生将能够完成必要的课程,或者能够通过学位或证书进入劳动力市场. This program supported by Flagstaff 社区 基金会 and its funding collaborators.
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the international honor society of two-year colleges and academic programs. It is the largest honor society in American higher education with over 3.5 million members and more than 1,300 chapters in 10 countries. PTK recognizes and encourages its four corner stones: Scholarship, 领导, 服务, 和奖学金.
物理学和天文学 物理学和天文学为学生提供了从事STEM领域专业学习的机会.  
Small Business Development Center (SBDC) 我们是一个全州范围的中心网络的一部分,为任何经营企业或计划创业的人提供服务. 我们与各行各业的企业合作,从初创企业到成熟企业,我们合作的企业处于成长的各个阶段.
科学/数学部门 Mathematics and science are critical areas for a rapidly changing, increasing competitive global economy and society.  All of the opportunities in Math & Sciences involve gathering and processing data to solve problems with STEM processes and equipment.
学生出版物 在课程 features student creative works. 古玩 is a literary format for creative expression for citizens across Coconino County.
可持续绿色建筑 可持续绿色建筑课程旨在全面教育学生有关绿色建筑类别和相关环境和居住者问题的许多主题, Energy Efficiencies and Sustainable Building design considerations.
望远镜的教育 弗拉格斯塔夫是美国第一个为观测星际物体提供最佳环境的暗天社区.  CCC has a telescope at the Lone Tree Campus to further student and community learning about astronomy.  给这个项目捐款可以提供必要的资金来维护望远镜的机械部件,使其寿命更长.
退伍军人服务 退伍军人服务旨在通过提供辅导和其他用品和服务来支持退伍军人学生的学业需求.